What We Offer
Primary Tutors Scotland provides quality online tutoring sessions in literacy and numeracy for all stages of primary school. All of our lessons are in line with the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence and meet the benchmarks, experiences and outcomes in a fun and engaging way.
With a focus on:
With a focus on:
Number Processes
Mental Strategies
Problem Solving Skills
Decimals, Percentages, Fractions
How It Works
Lessons are 30 minutes and are tailored learning experiences to each individual's needs. The lessons are interactive filled with games and activities designed to make learning fun!
What We Offer Beyond the Learning
Under the Scottish Government's Getting It Right for Every Child policy, Wellbeing Indicators were set up to ensure that all children can grow up feeling loved, safe and respected and can realise their full potential. At home, in school or the wider community, every child and young person should be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Respected, Responsible and Included. Scroll through to see how Primary Tutors Scotland meets each of these Wellbeing Indicators.